Doc Gardner: Nuclear trained Submarine Corpsman. Also an FMF Corpsman with the Marines in Viet Nam. Been riding motorcycles most of my life and got my first Harley in 2009. Have taken two long trips and seen both the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean on the Harley.
Don Gentry: Nuclear trained Machinist Mate on Submarines. AKA "flangehead" Originally from Michigan but is now in the witness protection program somewhere in Washington State where he terrorizes snail darters, spotted owls, grizzly bears and other flora and fauna. He's been known to make his own beer which I'm sure he keeps a secret from the BATF
Bonnie: Every great ride has to have someone who combines beauty with common sense. Bonnie will be the "sea anchor" who keeps the two wayward souls listed above on an even keel. Don claims she is his girlfriend but in reality she may be his corrections officer.
Brian Ware: We are now up to four participants with the addition of Brian to the rider list. I may have to do some Eastern Time Zone recruiting so these westerners don't get all the good parking places. More will be added about Brian when the FBI report comes in or Brian, himself, creates an image for this blog.
More to be added as appropriate or inappropriate